A clever reimagining of the first Celeste level as a 3D-Collectathon. The controls can feel a bit wonky, especially when you get to the more precise parts of the game and I most certainly had my fair share of problems keeping track of Madeline while trying to adjust the camera. But nevertheless, I just felt this deep joy in my heart collecting every strawberry; running, climbing and dashing through these ruinous remnants of the Forsaken City in glorious N64 optic.

In the same vein, the music is also super chill, giving of Super Mario 64 vibes, well... up until you get to the cassette level parts of the game when everything just turns into Super Mario Sunshine all of a sudden, funky acapella included. Herein lie the most difficult platforming challenges of the game; and as frustrating as they can get, I honestly felt a great sense of liberation and accomplishment when finishing those, wishing there would be even more game left after collecting the very final strawberry and reminiscing about the amazing time Maddy Thorson and her team gave us with all what Celeste has had to offer up until now.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
