“This Platinum Trophy is Bullshit, I’m Not Getting It”

A list of games I abandoned trying to get 100% completion on/the platinum trophy.

Notes include reasoning + completion %

Reason: Lost motivation (might return to it later)
48/54 Trophies Earned (83%)

This one’s an outlier on this list and actually not bad I just ended up playing the game so many times and for so long I got burnt out (playing this game 3 ish times and clocking in around 250 hours will do that to a mf). All I have left to do is finish my Dark Urge playthrough (I’m near the end of Act II last I checked), complete Karlach’s romance, and beat the game on tactician then I’m done. Maybe someday I’ll return to it, but I’m pretty satisfied with where I’m at now.
Reason: Tedious and boring
36/46 Trophies Earned (61%)

Completing all the VR missions isn’t difficult because I’ve done it before I just don’t want to replay all of them and get the top rank again just for a trophy on the PS3. Not only that but having to get all the dog tags is so stupid and tedious I can’t be asked to do that bullshit.

PS, 25 Metal Gear Rays is ridiculous, iykyk
Reason: Mind numbingly repetitive
49/52 Trophies Earned (88%)

Doing all the tales, haikus, hot springs, inari shrines, and bamboo strikes is so boring I just gave up. It’s not hard I just don’t care anymore.
Reason: Too much time and effort for a game I don’t care about anymore
47/54 Trophies Earned (72%)

Getting all the alternate dresses and beating this game on hard mode is a royal grade-A waste of time. It’s tedious and I don’t care to play the hard mode of this game in full along with replaying the game multiple times just to see Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud wear different dresses.

PS, I’m all for challenges and what not, but Hard Mode in this game is just supremely awful in so many ways I can’t even begin to describe in a short note.
Reason: Lost motivation + boring/tedious
41/51 Trophies Earned (60%)

I really don’t wanna listen to every codec call, beat every VR mission, and S-Rank every encounter in the game. Too much effort for a game I don’t care about anymore.
Reason: Tedious and boring
31/34 Trophies Earned (81%)

I’m not watching all those cutscenes again just to get the trophy for seeing all the memories and flashbacks. I also just don’t care to earn and pick up the remaining iPod tracks I’m missing.
Reason: Tedious and boring
29/45 Trophies Earned (60%)

I really don’t wanna find every fast travel spot, do every police scanner mission, and all the dumb miscellaneous bullshit needed to get the platinum.

1 Comment

27 days ago

I will say that you're right to not want to 100% Cyberpunk because of the fast travel stations. I did that, it was horrible. There are so many that aren't on the map unless you go and find them, and I didn't realize that until it was too late. So, so tedious and awful.

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