This game, "study," I mean, feels as though an amateur YouTube video essayist took one look at the average console gamer after playing The Beginner’s Guide and thought of putting their own spin on it but presented in the most preachy, condescending, and obnoxious way possible.

This “study” (which it insists upon calling itself) is an incredibly tacky and obnoxious attempt at teaching contemporary console gamers basic terms and interactive storytelling techniques utilised in games; there was absolutely no tact in the way it presented its ideas, which, while purposefully meant to parallel the very games it examines and critiques, still doesn’t lend itself to being a very interesting or engaging experience but instead like a series of flashcards paired alongside boring gameplay segments. (Which control like absolute shit btw)

This game study felt like a lab-grown, inauthentic attempt at being a sort of modern take on The Beginner's Guide catered to modern audiences who need simple ideas and terms bashed over their heads while keys are jingled in their faces; this was a complete waste of an hour.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024


4 months ago


Firstly, thanks for playing, and even though you didn't like the project, I appreciate the honesty and the detailed explanation for the score.

I also agree that some things could be a lot better, especially when it comes to bugs and controls. The previous description I added to the store page in which I tried to explain it as "educational" was also a bad call. I'll try to update the game with better camera sensitivity and other points I can address.

While I disagree with many of the arguments you presented, I'll keep track of them for the next iterations and projects. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but a lot of the thought process behind many of the decisions was simply "Eh, I can write whatever I want, no one's gonna be playing this anyway", and as a consequence, I can see how the language can come across as obnoxious.

If I knew this many people would be initially interested in it, I'd put more effort into it. I didn't even publish a trailer for it yet, so maybe I'll try to address some points you mentioned before doing so.

Thanks a lot.
@Frank_L of course, I wish you the best with your next project and if you’d like to discuss this or anything else more in depth and at length my discord is CherylWithoutOrgans, feel free to add me!