Wow, this is so much fun, I hope they don't ruin it when bringing it to the next generation headset...

Not sure whether I’m gonna do actual reviews or just gags like I do on Letterboxd so just gonna find my footing. Starting with an actual one.

I have mixed emotions with this one. I recently played through 2make, 3make, 7 and now this and this is my first time tackling a game franchise and it’s certainly had its ups and downs. To me this game is just too messy for me to fully love but when it shines, it really glows. The moments in the castle and the doll house are fantastic and moments I’m very excited to do in VR, but the Moreau moments just dragged with me and whilst Heisenbergs performance was incredible, I felt like I was never escaping that factory. I remember Ethan saying “Wait, there’s more?” or something like that and me thinking much the same, it really dragged. Maybe my rating will go up if I play this again and I will go for the platinum but for now it’s a game that could be incredible but just has way too many ideas that it wants to execute.