So, first off, I want to say that I loved this game, and it's amazing, and I'm sure it's already been said why. This is the most intuitive and well-designed Metroidvania out there. The visuals are gorgeous, the music is fantastic, the story is pretty good even if you need to seek out particular dialogue to fully get it. Overall, a phenomenal game that deserves the high praise it's gotten.


for me, personally, this game didn't quite hit me like it has for a lot of others. And I think it comes down to the atmosphere. Hollow Knight does a fantastic job creating its atmosphere: of sorrow, melancholy, and dreariness. There's a feeling of death everywhere you go, and it's just depressing to slay these reanimated corpses while hunting for remnants of this lost kingdom, while knowing that you yourself are just a husk, designed to be nothing. While the game has a few comedic moments or characters, it's by and large a funereal game. And I think that works well for the story the game tells, but it was incredibly overwhelming thirty hours into a 100% run, to the point where I just wanted it to be over. To be clear, this is definitely just a me thing, but it's why I can't place this over Metroid Dread as my favorite in the genre. Silksong seems like it'll take a more lighthearted approach, and with so many years to refine this already near-perfect experience, the gameplay will probably be better than ever. I have no doubt in my mind that this game's sequel will triumph over the original and become the beloved game to me that Hollow Knight already is to so many people. But this one is still amazing and you should definitely play it.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
