This is by far the best NES Mario. It's also like 20x easier than the others. The levels in this game are (mostly) pretty great and Mario feels great to control. I think there's just a couple flaws that just barely make it a 7/10 instead of an 8. Not every level is fantastic and a lot of them start to feel very samey, especially towards the end. I also think the difficulty curve is super weird, world 6 is by far the hardest and world 3 is pretty tricky too. By comparison world 4 is incredibly easy and world 8, despite being the last one, is filled with like 2 tricky levels and a bunch of fairly easy ones. The final castle is especially disappointing, I remember it being hard from my last playthrough but it's super short without much challenge. Still, I really like this game a lot and is, in my opinion, the first truly good Mario game.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
