5 Reviews liked by CourierSeven

I gotta tell ya; my estimation of David Chase, as a man, just fucking plummeted

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One of the worst games you'll ever see, not even worth playing for nostalgia. The only thing worse than the graphics is the gameplay, and even if you don't care about the graphics, you can't excuse the gameplay. That's why I don't understand it's still available on Steam. Someone would have to be a severe masochist to play and enjoy this game despite the Definitive version. Even the Definitive version has some horrible gameplay mechanics carried over from the original game. You can still completely lose your sanity in the car racing mission. Anyway, the best game in the series is always the second game. A remake of the first game still can't change that. None of the characters from the first game are as memorable and well written as they are in the second game. Even the main character is extremely boring, one dimensional and exists only to give you a reason to play the game. I don't remember anything left in my mind when I finished the main story.

Although nothing too special, it is a fun indie title that I have happily wasted a day to play it. The combat system is fun overall, and it works well most of the time, but there are times when the combat system stops working. For example, the game expects you to do too many things at once during some crowded enemy counters, and because there are a really good number of mechanics and enemy types, you can get overwhelmed pretty easily and it can get very hard to get out of the situation. I liked the difficulty balancing, even though there were two or three times where I noticed difficulty spikes, but that is passable for a game this size. The story is okay, dialogues can be fun at first, but they can get old after a certain time (keep in mind that I played the game in Turkish language). The presentation is nearly flawless for an indie game, even if it could have been more interesting. I did not encounter any bugs during my playthrough, that’s a plus too. It was a fun six and a half hours, and I’m giving it 7/10. I think this is a very solid first game for the studio and I am pretty sure they will build upon this game’s success, and I am eager to see it.