I don't remember anything about this game besides the Toybox but the Toybox mode went hard.

I was going through a lot of shovelware licensed games with my girlfriend and had the most fun with this game not because it's any good, but because it was so fucking funny and entertaining with how stupid the minigames were in contrast to how serious the story is trying to take itself.

10x better than OG Wii Sports and one of the best sports games of all times, the amount of content in this is insane and the fact almost all of them hit and is even crazier.

Tennis is the most fun sport, the rest either have huge problems like Boxing and Baseball, or have way better versions in Resort like Bowling and Golf. Still overall classic package though

Maybe as good as Hit & Run I'm not sure...

Maybe it's because it's what I grew up with but this is the best COD game no contest.

The campaign of this one is probably the most interesting story COD has ever told.

Nazi Zombies is the best mode of all time the rest of this game I couldn't care fucking less

Crazy underrated, this is simple but well designed FUN!!!

Missions are better than any GTA mission because it has Simpsons characters.

Has an atmosphere I haven't seen replicated in any game ever but it's a shame this game controls like garbage and is insanely slow. Still have huge nostalgia bias though


I'm glad I only played this for 30 minutes then gave up because it was too hard this seems like the devil in a very thinly veiled disguise.