I'm not usually into the base building survival genre but wow what an experience this game was. All of the different biomes had a unique feel and tone to them and as you get deeper things take a turn for the horrific.

I'm not sure whether it was the the darkness, the fear of the unknown, the freakish noises of alien fish in the distance, or the sheer depth and the knowledge that if your seamoth were to get lost or destroyed you would be totally screwed with no chance of swimming to the surface before your untimely death that freaked me out the most. This game did something that no horror game has done to me and that is fill me with dread. It wasn't just being scared, or making me jump (though it did manage this a few times) but that existential dread that rarely is successfully touched on. The only thing that comes close to this feeling that I can think of is Outer Wilds and some HP Lovecraft stories. And for reference this is coming from a person who has scuba dived a few times and really enjoyed it.

I would recommend this game strongly for anyone looking for a fresh, unique, and at times terrifying experience. Had to subtract a half star for all the visual pop in that can be emersion breaking at times but other than that it was an excellent game.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2023
