Dark Souls 2 is the red-headed step child of the souls franchise and seems to be either loved or hated with no middle ground. I think this is because Dark Souls 2 has some really high highs, and some really low lows.

Some of the environments are superb and the sheer size of the game is deserving of praise. This also speaks to its shortcomings though, there seems to have been a quantity over quality approach by the designers. There are so many different environments and some clearly received more love than others. Same with the items, there are way to many different weapons and most of them feel identical to others like it. Some people might like this aspect as more content can be a good thing but a lot of things in this game just feel thrown in.

This isn't to say I didn't enjoy the game, I am actually on the love side of the fanbase. I'm not blind to it's flaws, I just enjoy so much about the game. I found the Vendrick/Giants storyline to be tragic and enthralling, there are also some really interesting and unique areas in the game, and holy shit the music in Majula!

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2023
