A fun turn based strategy game with easy to learn but hard to master gameplay with interesting squad and base progression. Probably the game I would recommend to people as an entry into the genre.

The main criticism I see about this game is how there is a lot of random stuff that can happen to quickly and unceremoniously lose one of your best soldiers, and this can leave to a lot of save scumming. To me this defeats the purpose of the game-- an untimely massive crit, or turning a corner to see a sectopod and berseker right in your face is bad luck and does suck. But that's kind of the point, war sucks, and casualties happen, especially if your enemy is vastly superior in terms of military technology. If you refrain from reloading when your best guy dies you will find yourself actually caring about the death of a seasoned veteran. It really does add a whole new element to the game.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2023
