This is an open world game that follows all the tired tropes of most modern open world RPGs that I usually hate but actually quite enjoyed. The concept of the game is just super interesting to me: a world thrown back into the stone age with a new top dog on the food chain, rediscovering the events of the past in hopes of building a better future. It's just a really good idea and I was immediately enthralled by the contrast between the super high tech AI machine animals and the primitive existence of the humans.

The combat is made fresh by adding problem solving elements to each enemy type where you have to find and target weak spots and are encouraged to set up traps and ambush them rather than just running in guns blazing. This sophisticated combat system and some really cool enemy design leads to engrossing gameplay that feels new and fun.

The game is at its best when you are just exploring the open world, delving into the cauldrons which are interesting little mini dungeons that provide backstory, or finding vantage points which show you a glimpse into the past. The main story missions are where this game is lacking, the story is interesting enough but most of the main plot is pretty bland and predictable. Still well worth a try though, plenty to enjoy here.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2023
