As with most Blizzard games the level of polish is outstanding. They created an interesting world with tons of interesting characters who all felt unique and paired it with some really engaging gameplay that when in sync with your group feels great. Sounds almost perfect right?

The issue is it's almost too well produced, like it was made to appeal to literally everyone, it comes off almost soulless to me. Every map is intricately designed for skirmishes to happen in very specific areas. You feel the heavy hand of matchmaking purposefully pulling you towards a 50% win rate so everyone can be happy. It's just such an intensely curated experience that it felt wrong in some way. It reminded me of modern music and how it being all digital and autotuned nowadays has removed the human error that gives music its feeling, it makes me think of smart phones that are indistinguishable from other brands and the apps on them that have been meticulously designed to draw your attention for long periods of time.

This isn't to say I hated the game, on the contrary it was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. After a while though, playing it just felt wrong to me, not sure exactly why.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2023
