An artfully done little puzzle adventure game, that does a lot with a little. Its biggest strength is how the mechanics help to prop up the story, especially in the back half. This helps a pretty simple story to hit harder than it would otherwise, despite some of its more predictable and cliche moments.

While the puzzles are easy for the most part, the challenge comes in controlling both of the brothers at once. You can often get away with focusing on one at once, but there's enough puzzles that test your co-ordination a little. It's not the most fun game play, but it's at least appropriate for the story. Any repetition of certain puzzle types is also alleviated by how short the game is. It certainly doesn't overstay its welcome.

I also strongly appreciate the detail put into the environments. All the characters have a little something in their animations to give them some personality, in lieu of the lack of dialogue. Special highlight to the music as well, there's some bangers in there.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
