So ridiculously creative and fun.

I really like the gameplay and level design, it really reminds me of tombi for some reason! I just dont like the lack of instructions with the farming elements, which feels like a massive part of the game.
Might come back to it but for now it's a shelve.

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A big ol' therapy session wrapped up in a eclectic, delectable and cleverly written game.

I'm very glad i picked this game up, and so far is my fave game of the year. The story, dialogue, immersion of Asian culture and characters blew me away. I will also be trying out "Venba" which also involves Asian cooking as a storytelling method.

Is there a phrase for when there's a jump scare, but it's actually a hilarious action or movement that catches you off guard? Because this game was full of them. The game had me grinning like a big Cheshire cat. From the wriggling of the satisfied Father after a cooking session, to the ridiculous lats and biceps on Aunty C - you can tell how much fun Outerloop Games has had developing and writing this.

I couldn't give it the full 5 because a lot of the QTE are sadly repetitive, and the skating (or in my case constant bumping into objects) does lose its appeal. But to me those were just bonus mechanics, and i think the story and characters themselves could easily be fleshed out into a series.

If you're in the mood for something very goofy, but want some emotional range, i would definitely give Thirsty Suitors a look.

I also want to add that i found 90% of the characters HIGHLY attractive, so well done character design time on that front as well.

Super fun, great music and visuals that keep you immersed with the music.
I chose not to unlock alot of the combos because i found myself forgetting some of the combinations or repeatedly doing ones i was comfortable with. I'm sure i would have enjoyed the game even more if i could retain the combos in my brain, or execute them well.
Absolutely loved the dialogue and voice acting too, comedic timing made you feel truly part of the gang.

Cool setting, love the dry/deadpan dialogue and various characters and interactions you have.

But lost track of the quests i was fetching for, so really became me picking up anything i could easily obtain. Maybe i just need to stay away from this style of game for a while.

Pretty cute cover art, that's what drew me to the game.

But the gameplay itself isn't that fun - lots of grinding but not really satisfying mechanics and sometimes quite annoying to play. I was going to try to complete the steam achievements but think it's best left retired for me.

I should really play some more titles on my DS.

Loved it. Give me more of those hand drawn cut scenes though!!

Masterpiece. I can hear the musac now.

A very twisted, challenging puzzler. Refreshing and addictive gameplay, one of the first titles I really struggled with for 100% of the game but was determined to complete and it was a total treat the entire time.

No it's really good I'm just scared easily.

I could happily spend the entire game just shopping in binco and suburban.