49 reviews liked by Critical

I think the 2-player versus mode is very fun and works better than the normal games. That being said, Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream still executes the formula better.

Great and pretty short, gameplay is pretty fun too.

For such a small game, I think it's quite amazing. Gameplay is fun and the characters are nice. The game does lack a bit in its story, as the ending is a bit abrupt and leaves some plot points unresolved.

Quite buggy and nonsensical, you may need to open the game in the RPG MAKER 2003 engine to edit some stuff if you want to see both endings.

Very fun and quite shorter than the previous one, but I think that's a good thing.

know next to nothing about aew, the game is ok i guess.

Shooting ball is peak gaming. Great game overall and a lot more fun and forgiving than the first.

There isn't much going on with the game, it's very short and kind of all over the place.

The game is very ominous and on the verge of becoming lost media.

The climax of the story was very intense and, in my opinion, quite powerful. Definitely one of ArcadeKitten's better games.