Spirit of Justice is a great climax for Apollo's story and great finisher for the Apollo trilogy as a whole. Apollo is basically a comic book character at this point with how many convoluted and intersecting backstories they keeping giving the guy. But I feel the one in this game is his most compelling. The new setting is a good break from the typical Japanifornia setting the series is accustomed. I actually like Insights as a gimmick quite a bit but I wish it wasn't so precise in what you had to identify. Unlike the previous game, their really isn't a case I actively dislike besides case 4 which is inoffensive if anything. The final case is a definite highlight as it manages to introduce a new character and make them work so well to the main cast that you forget he wasn't present in the previous cases. Overall a great game in the series if you've been playing through all 6 games.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022
