Before I even say anything, let's just take a moment to appreciate the name "Max Payne". I don't think I could've come up with something cheesier if I tried, and I fucking LOVE it. This game is just a perfect combination of so many different elements, from atmospheric film noir to John Woo & Matrix inspired gun-fu and even a bit of Norse mythology, and it executes almost everything flawlessly. It's just an incredible stroke of genius in so many different ways.

• Superb gameplay, infinitely replayable just due to how amazingly fun and frenetic the game and its mechanics are. Enemy encounters feel like combat puzzles, where you are given many different tools to solve a given problem, and it's up to you to map out the environment and figure out how to best approach the situation at hand.

• The game is oozing with style, with great visuals for the time that have actually aged pretty well due to the amazing art direction, a dark and gritty atmosphere, over-the-top particle effects, nice attention to detail, and interactive environments.

• Intriguing storyline with a simple but engaging plot and memorable characters.

• Exceptionally great writing, almost every line in this game feels incredibly rich and well thought out, and they really add to Max as a character.

• Charmingly cheesy and tongue-in-cheek, which adds tons of personality to the game. It manages to juggle and balance a mature tone with a lot of lovable goofiness.

• The Graphic Novels are a very smart and unique way of allowing the game to have a rich narrative while at the same time keeping the focus mostly on gameplay due to being easily skippable and not bombarding you with cutscenes that disrupt your experience every 30 seconds (cough cough Max Payne 3 cough cough).

• Doesn't work well in modern systems right out of the box, you need to manually download and install an unofficial patch before playing.

• I find the soundtrack to be mostly generic and forgettable outside of the main theme.

• Overall difficulty is just a bit too much. The game can be very unfair and frustrating at times due to cheap enemy placement, nanosecond reaction times, inaccurate/inconsistent weapons, and the way adaptive difficulty works. Also, and this is a way bigger deal than it sounds, but the way getting up after shootdodging works is really clunky. The game forces you to get up right away and you can't stay on the ground to finish off enemies you haven't killed yet, and the time it takes for Max to get up can easily get you killed in the harder difficulties.

• Nightmare sequences are interesting in concept, but not great in execution. They are too slow, drag on for far too long, require some frustrating platforming, and ultimately just feel out of place in an adrenaline-fueled game like this.

Max Payne is an absolutely unforgettable experience, and one of my favorite games of all time. It saddens me that it doesn't get talked about very often, since it most definitely deserves more recognition than it gets. It doesn't matter how many times I play it, I just can't ever get enough of it. It's a timeless masterpiece that I'll continue to go back to and replay indefinitely.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2023
