Truly a one-of-a-kind game. A mix of a visual novel and a dungeon crawler with resource management, survival elements and crafting. The game has its fair share of issues and a lot of the mechanics can be tedious and punishing, but the story is very compelling and well written and the character backstories are really interesting too so you always want to keep pushing forward and it's very much worth it.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2021


3 years ago

How are you getting on the front page so much lmao I've been refreshing and seen your name under like 3 different reviews in the same day
Lmaooooo I just created my account like 5 days ago and have been going through all the games on the site and slowly rating and reviewing all the ones I've played

3 years ago

one of these will eventually be a hot take and you'll get like 20 comments
Liking Zanki Zero is a hot take.
Is it? I never would've guessed.
Yeah, it's generally hated. I stand in that same boat. Good review, though.
Well I apricate the compliment and damn, that's disappointing to hear.

3 years ago

yeah ive not heard much praise for it myself but thats because it feels like everyone forgot about it as soon as it released lol. maybe i shouldve added the qualifier of the hot take having to be for a popular game

3 years ago

I've been gaming since I was a kid and somehow missed the entire visual novel scene that a bunch of people on this website like. All I know is apparently I have to play a game called Umineko: When They Cry because it's some kind of life changing queer experience but it takes 200 hrs to get through.
Hot_Anarcocoa, don't feel too bad, I'm gonna be 27 in 8 days and have been gaming probably since I was 4 or so and only started getting into visual novels back in 2015, but better late than never as they say.

3 years ago

To be fair to myself I did start getting into them a few years ago too, but it's just mostly indie queer and political stuff from western creators that I've played. It's all the big Japanese titles I'm missing out on. And like, with Japanese games I can never tell if people give them 4 and 5 star ratings because they're genuinely incredible stories, or if they just like pretty boys and anime tiddies.
Well I guess whether something has a great story is completely subjective at the end of the day, but for me 9/10 times if I'm rating a VN a high score it's due to the story and characters since those are the biggest and most important factors for VNs.

3 years ago

i think like, on the vndb top rated list, the stuff there is all rated seriously taking into consideration the writing, production quality, etc. the highly rated ones here are also like that (and both charts have a lot of overlap). stuff like nekopara or sakura spirit are rated v low, so i dont think you have to worry about that much

3 years ago

can't speak for anyone else but i strongly dislike that the gameplay fucking Sucks and the story is a honeypot for incest and pedophilia shit

3 years ago

Maybe I'm being too prejudiced having not played it, but for example Danganronpa is pretty highly rated by a lot of people and to me it looks like the most cliche anime nonsense ever. Xenoblade is similar but for JRPGs, all the trailers just look very cliche but people say it's the best thing ever, and idk if it is or if they are just in love with Pyra or something lol

3 years ago

Incest and pedophilia shit? Yikes.

3 years ago

danganronpa has a decent amount going for it. it's very similar to Ace Attorney in its gameplay flow, it has very good music, a cool visual style and a somewhat interesting premise. im not the biggest fan of the series personally but i like it overall thanks to its similarities with Ace Attorney and the exceptionally good music. it has its fair share of anime nonsense though sure

xenoblade... depends which one. 2 also has its fair share of anime nonsense but all 3 games have really beautiful and well-crafted worlds. it feels a lot like a single-player MMO, which can be unexpected in scope, especially for 1 which was on the wii. also amazing music there, and 1 has a pretty engaging story with great voice acting. it's pretty easy to just lose yourself in it.

i wouldnt go into these expecting like, a work of classic literature or something, and there are much bigger fans of both series than me, but they're both overall in my good books on a gameplay/aesthetic level. i wouldnt really recommend either series for great writing (xeno 1's story is fine, X/2's are bad, danganronpa has fun mysteries but generally bad overarching plots) but they're very good as video game experiences

3 years ago

So what you're telling me is that I shouldn't use Disco Elysium and Kentucky Route Zero as my bar for the big anime tiddy games?

3 years ago

still yet to play both of those myself and well-written anime tiddy games do exist but yeah they arent every highly rated vn/jrpg
yes, very good game. lot of fun