The game itself is fun (Aside from the horrible killer hitboxes and numerous bugs and glitches)

Being tunneled or face-camped on first hook and on the other side of the coin constantly being flashlight stunned or having every hook sabotaged immediately and just dealing with one of the most toxic and sweaty communities in all of video games in general for both survivor and killer however is absolutely NOT fun.

Oh and I learned the hard way that you only solo-que as survivor if there's something severely wrong with your brain because you're just going to get a lobby of people who will either intentionally feed or farm you off hook or worst case scenario just let you die on your first hook. The game is practically unplayable without friends because of this.

I put 300 more hours into it on PS4 after I quit playing on PC and I'll just say that I've never done crack, but I'd imagine that this game is the equivalent of it. Fun at first for that immediate intense high and adrenaline rush, but horrible for your long term health and will cause depression after the high and you just feel so much better once you finally manage to kick the addiction all together.

Just wish I could get my 500 hours back.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2021
