Never played this game until just the other day, but I thought it was solid, here are some of my thoughts on it.

The graphics, voice acting, cut-scenes and overall production value of the game surprised the hell out of me for it originally being a 3DS game. There was probably close to 2 hours worth of cut-scenes, all the dialogue was voice acted (and pretty well might I add) and the character models and world textures looked pretty damn good for the time this game came out.

The story shows the rise of the BSAA and reminds me of a James Bond film, with all the backstabbing and espionage, pretty decent and some interesting plot twists, but the villains and new characters (Aside from Parker, he was cool) introduced were very lackluster and unmemorable, the Chris and Jill sections are definitely the highlights of the game.

Level design was honestly really good! The layout of the Queen Zenobia gave me major Resident Evil 1 Spencer Mansion vibes and it also has a very metroidvania style too with some good usage of backtracking and hidden secrets.

The combat and shooting mechanics are very smooth and fluid and a lot of fun and I really liked the gun customizations which gave incentive to explore the map more (Though once you get the rifle and some mods you essentially break the game and it becomes too easy) one game mechanic I hated though was the scanner because it just felt so unnecessary. You have to use it in practically every single room to find hidden items and scan enemies to get green herbs, but it just becomes a chore and felt like such a handheld touch screen gimmick.

This game was also the first to introduce Raid Mode which is a fun co-op mercenaries like mini-game where you replay different stages of the game as various characters and clear objectives while fighting waves of enemies, you can also upgrade your weapons and unlock special new ones only available in this game type. I played it for 4 hours straight, it's a lot of fun.

Enemy designs were very bland and boring because almost everything looks the same, but the bosses looked cool and the actual fights were really fun too, especially the final boss, that was top notch and one of my faves in the whole series so far.

All in all I enjoyed RE Revelations and it impressed me in some ways due to originally being a handheld game and still having some pretty big production values that make it look closer to a 360 game. It has great shooting mechanics, killer level design, a solid story and fun bosses, but it's brought down a bit by a typical annoying touchscreen gimmick, boring enemy design and unmemorable characters (Aside from Jill, Chris and Parker) still I'm happy I played the game and would recommend it to hardcore RE fans or anyone who wants a solid action game.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2021
