For years I've been wanting to properly give Project '06 a full 100% playthrough, but I always had the perception that my computer ran the game like shit solely because it was too intense to actually process. Today however, while meddling around with the settings, I ended up discovering that simply putting the resolution to the lowest possible (which resulted in the game being in 4:3 but whatever) made it run at full speed consistently, which finally meant I had an excuse to play it.

Project '06 completely lives up to everything you've heard about it from everyone and is not only the peak of the Adventure-styled 3D Sonic formula, but one of the best Sonic games ever made, and I mean that with zero exaggeration.

All of the visual, level design, presentation and ESPECIALLY gameplay tweaks made towards this result in it looking and playing like the dream that it is, adding so, so much more to the base game of Sonic '06 to the point where I cannot even fathom returning to it after experiencing this masterclass of 3D platformers.

Inspite of how different the gameplay styles feel from each other, all 3 of them contain the same amount of polish, attention to detail and care put into them, as well as keeping a much more consistent focus on speed through their revamped movesets. Sonic is still my favorite of course, but Shadow and Silver don't fall far behind at all and manage to offer a gameplay experience on par with his, which alone is impressive.

The amigos have all been tweaked up and are now so fun that you want to play as them even more, rather than just wishing you got 'em over with. A special highlight goes towards Amy for making me not want to put a gun in my head during her short section in Silver's Dusty Desert (the ball puzzle is still lame but at least I got it in just 3 tries)

But I mean, do I really need to convince you about all this? You already know that Project '06 is amazing and you already know WHY it's amazing. There's not much I can add to this conversation other than that the people who say that are absolutely correct and you should play this game as soon as you possibly can.

I cannot wait to see how this project concludes, because what's here already can only be described as marvelous.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
