The first Hellblade was a masterclass at narrative storytelling, infusing research and passion into what turned out to be a one of a kind experience.

This sequel brings back the same level of talent, and it continues on telling Senua's story as she grapples with her endless fear and intrusive thoughts.

While 'Senua's Sacrifice' was about her learning to let go, accept grief and live with it, 'Senua's Saga' is about overcoming loneliness, finding solace in other people with similar past, people that have done bad things but together won't let their past define their future.

Ninja Theory has once again delivered a beautiful story, the hopefulness of their games is contagious.

The only criticism I can make is that gameplay wise, this entry doesn't add anything new beyond walk-companions. It plays very much the same as its predecessors and because of that, it can feel stagnant but thankfully it's short enough that it doesn't ruin the experience.

From some of the devs that worked on Limbo and Inside, I didn't expect anything less ambiguous and intriguing, Somerville very much follows in their steps.

There's a turning point where the narrative takes on a more epic nature and it feels like that's where Somerville loses it's strength, soon after the game ends very vaguely in a way that feels too abrupt.

However, it remains a very enjoyable and atmospheric short game.

An intriguing murder mystery surrounded by religion blurring into the occult. The first two acts are strong but by midway through the 3rd, fatigue and repetition begins to stagnate the game.

Could've done with a couple more mini games, you get to help Endris craft weapons and later cut cookie for the festivities, I'm not sure why the game doesn't do more with it.