It starts out quite promising. Evoking a solid mixture of Metroid Prime and Zelda at the best of times even.

But it really starts to show the cracks in the latter half. Puzzles start to feel a lot more obtuse by introducing mechanics that never had any introduction as a thing that was possible, the level design feels a lot more slap dash with paths that don't even feel legitimate, the combat feels awful all through out, and it has a pacing that feels like you're almost at the end but it just keeps going and going. Simply put, the game is bloated for how otherwise small it would be.

It feels just a bit too over ambitious for how scrappy and janky it is.

But it's not without it's positives for sure. I like the setting a lot (I'm a sucker for rat maps always), and I love what the game is trying to do. It has the sensibilities and charm of a 6th gen game and that hits right where I want it to.

It's ALMOST really good, it just needed a lot more polishing and trimming. At the very least, it has me interested in it's sequels just to see how the devs refine it.

Reviewed on May 21, 2024
