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It's a miracle that this game exists in the first place and I don't really mind that it does.

DMC2 was what a new director could cobble together from broken pieces over the course of six months. The end product is a dull game, where the best and fastest option for every encounter is always "sit in a safe spot and spam guns". Despite having some interesting ideas, the movement and melee combat are too inconsistent and clunky to cook with, and Dante's twin 1911s were made powerful to compensate. Broken AI, bizarrely open levels, janky animations, and bizarre characterization of Dante all combine to make this game funny at best and dull at worst. DMC2 is a stain on the franchise, but interestingly, it's not the most hated by a long shot, it's just kinda mourned laughed about.

DMC2 is objectively horrendous dogshit that only exists by the grace of god (Hideaki Itsuno) but it's an interesting and important part of the franchise's history, and it's really funny to meme about so I'm glad it exists.