Visibly cheating off the smarter kids' homework.

Not really interested in whether the mechanics are good, or are different enough, etc. I didn't like em, but also I tend to warm up to changes to the souls formula over time, so maybe if I pushed through and finished it, I'd feel differently. Not really important.

The main thing that made me bounce was how skin deep the aesthetic was in comparison to its inspirations. Fromsoft games aren't good just because they're dark and mysterious. The presentation builds emotional themes that players pick up on even if they don't logically "understand" the plot. Even if you can't explain what the Outer Gods are, you probably noticed the emphasis on space and stars in elden ring. You might not know what the moon presence is, but you are likely to notice themes of body horror and birth imagery in bloodborne.

Lies of P has... a bunch of superficial references to the original story. The shrine maiden is the blue fairy, Gemini is Jiminy. Snore. Seems like the twist is going to be that the ability to lie makes Pinocchio MORE human than other puppets, which is a very deep theme according to me when I was in middle school.

And as long as I'm throwing elbows: fairy tales but dark is one of the lamest genres, primarily for tweens who have just aged out of thinking kingdom hearts is cool, but haven't developed good taste yet.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
