Beautiful and gets a ton of mileage out of an impressively small number of mechanics. Unfortunately it's also way too easy, so ends up feeling tedious for most of its runtime.

I'm sure there's a better way to describe this type of puzzle game, but I'm not a huge fan of puzzles that like, exist in the same space as the character. When they're easy, they feel like wastes of time as you have to do some thrilling task like pushing blocks or pulling levers. Maybe your solution runs into an order of operations problem, but unless that makes you rethink your whole approach, it just feels like an additional annoyance.

Conversely, when they're hard, they can very easily become frustrating, as you have to repeat steps and renavigate the same area over and over to test out new ideas. Think something like the Water Temple, where it's hard to keep the whole space and what effect you're having on it in your brain.

Cocoon felt firmly like the former for most it's runtime. I brainlessly marched from puzzle to puzzle, doing the most immediately obvious solution and then moving on.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
