I Just finished forspoken on the ps5 with the DLC in tanta we trust and is it really that bad as a lot of people say? No but they are not wrong, let me explain.
Yes the game has as an awesome combat system that is magic based and you learn a lot of spell and type of stuff through the game that keeps the game fresh and interesting, the combat is fast, with a lot of parkour movements and dodging enemies and jumping on them which is cool and flashy and to be honest I love it but.....it's the only thing I could love of this game unfortunately.
The story is ok, it has some really nice parts and interesting plot point, and then there is Frey, the main protagonist, I don't like her, like I said sometimes ago is: always talking, always saying one liners and in most of the game it keeps victimize her self....I just really, REALLY don't like her most of the time in the main story.
Another thing I don't like was the open world, it's not the genre I don't like of course but the way the developers put a really big world with nothing in it, it's really empty and you don't do a lot of stuff in it just fighting and running...
Ah yeah the game world is somewhat interesting with a lot of style and I like some design for Monster and character but for the rest is really not really that inspired unfortunately.
So, if you searching for some really nice combat this ha some in it but if you can play something else 🤔
The DLC Is good tho, it has a nice story and I think is more inspired that the entire main game 👀

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
