These patches clearly have been made based on internal data aggregated from the majority of players’ experiences with said bosses and weapons. Like many others have said, it’s not good for business if a majority of players are hitting a brick wall 1/3 of the way through and quitting (and potentially discouraging other players to even buy the game). They couldn’t care less that Balteus took you one try. The couldn’t care less about you whining about “filtering” or “casuals.” They clearly care more about “casuals” having fun with their games than try-hard weirdos trying to gatekeep a pastime that is literally meant to be just that - FUN. It doesn’t net you anything but personal pride on how well you do in a video game, and a lot of people need to stop acting like it’s a rite of social passage or something. If the patchesallow more people to enjoy the game (which will still be quite challenging for most), I am all for them.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2023


8 months ago

Thank you. I'm tired of dunning-kruger addled fromsoft gatekeepers trying to turn game difficulty into a sacred act of virtue signalling.

8 months ago

What a genuinely backwards review.

8 months ago

Lately Ive been thinking of the value Fromsoft has brought to the concept of difficulty in terms of going to the gym.

As someone who likes to work out and feels its enhanced and enriched their life, I think everyone should go to the gym. I wouldnt want anyone to be filtered, I dont think anyone needs to be hardcore about it, I think the whole process is about personal progress.

that also means every time you come to the gym, it should be about resistance. You gotta add a lil weight to the bar, you gotta add some time on clock, you gotta dig a lil deeper or go a lil farther - or else whats the point? What does it do for you? Most of the time when people stagnate on their workout, they tend to start coming less and less and maybe stop coming altogether cuz the juice is no longer worth the squeeze so to speak.

To me, I think thats an element thats often missing from these Souls Difficulty discussions - I think the value to the challenge is like the value you get from going to the gym and I think some people are very interested in preserving that even if they dont quite understand thats what theyre worried about.

To me I think Armored Core 6 is probably the smartest configuration of elective difficulty - all you gotta do to find success is dig into the Assembly element in basically any direction you want. Besides things like Balteus, this is probably the most beginner friendly game Fromsoft has made and I think thats much closer to the best way to do it maybe? Its not quite there tho I dont think. A lil sloppy.