It is absolutely amazing to me when games such as this were made by one person. Thomas Happ did an excellent job with creating a well crafted world and a very solid Metroidvania. The love he has for the original Metroid oozes out of every detail from the visuals, music, gameplay, world building, atmosphere, and feel. While it’s obvious where Metroid is the biggest inspiration it does plenty to differentiate its self from not only Metroid but all other Metroidvania. The movement is very different due to your drone and different dashing abilities. There are many different guns that can make you play different ways. However while all 20 or so guns are fun to use, I only found 5 worth using in terms of functionality.

While the game is well put together there are many Metroidvanias that are just simply better or more fun but Axiom Verge has a leg up on other Metroidvanias on one specific area, the story.

The story is not an all time great by any means but it is one of the very best I can remember a Metroidvania producing. The best way I could describe it is it is like a creepier space version mix of the Matrix and Inception. I won’t go any further than that because of spoilers but it is definitely worth your time and will make you think once the credits roll. Just make sure to either get or YouTube the full true ending.

My main negative about this game is how long it takes to really get interesting. I will admit it I tried to play this a year ago and quit after 30 minutes because I wasn’t having much fun. I now regret putting it down and I promise it gets much better as you go.

This game ended up being a very pleasant surprise and I’m very excited to begin playing Axiom Verge 2!

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2023
