I know this game comes with a lot of divisiveness. This is just my feeling on the actual game itself and no reflections of what I feel about anything else other than the game itself.

Hogwarts Legacy was almost everything I could have wanted out of a game based off of the Harry Potter world.

The first several hour you spend in the game is as magical and fun a time as you can have playing a game. Seeing Hogwarts come to life in a way you’ve pictured it in your head but had never seen before was surreal. Every nook and cranny packed with collectibles, things to see, and things to do. They did such a wonderful job of after several hours of gameplay making Hogwarts feel somewhat familiar but always finding just one or two new ways to go through this maze of a castle. The Easter eggs in this game are possibly the best the medium has to offer. So many references to the movies and books that are there for you to find but they do not smack you in the face with it.

The dueling is very fun. Once you get all your spells it’s fun to find combos that you enjoy and feel work great together. At first it doesn’t feel great or well connected but by the late game you will feel like the greatest sorcerer that ever lived chaining combos and destroying several enemies at once.

The story is very… ok. The only companion side quests that had an above average story was Sebastians. The main story is fairly basic in my opinion. Nothing inherently wrong with the story but nothing that is gripping either.

The only problem I have with this game is (and admittedly it is a minor problem) the amount of collectibles. Don’t get me wrong I had fun all the way through to 100%ing the game but I felt like sometimes the game started losing some of its magic when instead of playing the game or really exploring on my own, now I’m hitting Revelio every 3 steps to find the last few field guide pages or doing the 100th similar Merlin Trials. Like I said I still had fun but sometimes I would honestly forget what was happening in the main story because I spend the last 5 hours of gameplay searching for collectibles.

Which leads me to my final point. If you are a completionist wait for a few patches before you finish this game. I got everything in the game but can’t get the platinum because it says I have 74/75 of an object in my collection screen. However if I go to the main hub on the map it shows I have 100% and every area that you get these 75 pieces from are checked off. I decided to look online and there are many people experiencing the same problem. It’s very frustrating spending 10s of hours collecting things just for the game to not realize you have collected something and locking you out of a trophy on that file.

All in all I would highly recommend this game especially if you are a Harry Potter fan.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2023


1 year ago

Oof, that sucks :( If it's any consolation the damn 'Take the Biscuit' quest still hasn't been patched so I'm unable to complete the final side quest... which rewards the final 2 collectibles I need... which gives me the exp to level 40... which unlocks the final talent point I need to spend 😭
Hope your collectible is recognised soon!

1 year ago

I feel your pain. I was so fired up when I noticed it. Hopefully they will make the correction not only for my glitch but yours as well.

1 year ago

Great review, friend, I'm working my way through the game right now!