Really enjoyed it this one.

Puzzles are improved (still not great, but less frustrating). Soundtrack is amazing. Combat is, in my opinion, improved. The combat looks more like a cutscene than actual gameplay. You can really feel the weight of the sword when you swing your sword. It's very cinematic and does not have a lot of gameplay elements, which is inevitably going to rub some people the wrong way. However, I thought it was awesome.

The graphics, especially regarding character models is one of the best I've ever seen. It is definitely up there for me as one of the most gorgeous games I have ever seen. Which also hurt the performance. At times my frames dropped a bit, but my pc is also a bit outdated.

Story-wise I think it was great. The grittiness and the set pieces were amazing. However the overarching story was a bit of a step back from the first one. The ending of the first one felt like it wrapped up Senua's saga nicely. Still, I am very glad they decided to stick with it.

I know there has been a lot of criticism calling this game a walking simulator. Although I feel like if you have played the first one (which plays roughly the same), this is not a surprise at all.

Additionally there was some criticism regarding the length of the game, which is roughly between 5 to 6 hours. Apparently Ninja Theory promised it to be 8 hours or something. Personally I don't mind the length, and even feel like a game like Hellblade 2 benefits from being on the shorter side. Obviously it can be a big ask for 50$ and I can see how people are disappointed if they were promised a longer game. The game is on gamepass though, which makes the 50$ asking price a bit of a non-problem to me.

All in all, a great game. I enjoyed it a lot. Definitely not for everyone, as it is more a cinematic experience than a videogame at times. I would say if you have the Xbox game pass give it a shot.