Honestly surprisingly absorbing at least for the first few hours. The idea of building your own goofy Lego village is really fun. The combat isn’t anything special but isn’t bad either which is good enough. The fact that I could get really into it is generally a good sign for a game like this - it’s nice and slower paced most of the time while not necessarily feeling boring.

…but why is the BUILDING of all things the worst part of a Lego game?? It takes so long to build anything and whenever you break something it spills out debris that, while funny, destroys any furniture or props or workstations you’ve built on contact. There’s also not that many good storage options in the early game, and all items stack to 30 which starts to feel low pretty fast.

I do see myself coming back to this game a lot though. It definitely has such a high number of people playing it (between 1.5-2 MILLION consistently) for a reason.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2023
