I think I have never seen a game make the previous entry look so bad like this one. Every single thing Re7 felt short this game surpasses it, from gameplay to the horror parts.
But what we are left with...still doesn't quite get to me. Despite all the improvements, the first person perspective falls short for me, trying to scare you by torturing Ethan's hand and not much else. The one thing this game does worse than 7 is constantly robbing control out of you to point you at interesting or scary stuff. Nothing compares to the insanity of the garage fight with Jack in this game.
The story is just worthless and the game recognizes this, constantly making fun of itself for leaving a lot of stuff for the last second, but still makes you watch the cinematics and endings of what you're playing (Kinda like Doom 2016 opens up with you punching a computer infodumping you...just to infodump you on the first elevator you take). And while the gunplay is a HUGE improvement, it's more than anything just adding animation to the enemies you play with barely any stuff new to it
But overall it's pretty good. It just takes itself WAY too seriously while presenting the absolute bare minimum for a videogame story

Reviewed on Jul 14, 2021
