Cube World 2019

Log Status






Time Played

13h 0m

Platforms Played


Cube World had amazing potential, but suffered from the sad reality of very distant developer who couldn't let go of his creation. Cube World Alpha was an amazing experience, and it brought me some of the most excitement I have ever had surrounding a game like this. Tragically, the excitement was crushed by unreleased updates. The worst part is that when an update was finally released, it completely ruined the game we had all come to know and love.

I would definitely recommend anyone who has not experienced this game to do so. However, make sure you play the Alpha version of the game, because the full release version on Steam is not the version of Cube World I would recommend to anyone. You can download Alpha copies of the game completely free these days and still have hours of fun with friends, or solo if that's your vibe.