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Hogwarts Legacy
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Cave Story+
Cave Story+

Mar 09

Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus

Mar 03

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Cave Story is the perfect example of why you shouldn't judge a game by it's graphics. The game first released in 2004, and yes, the graphics can feel pretty dated sometimes. However, the visuals do not take away from the overall experience in any way.

At it's core, Cave Story is a short little game that tells an interesting story, with a surprisingly fun combat system, that presents players with a decent challenge. I found the way that Cave Story slowly ramps up the difficulty, especially near the end, very rewarding and fitting for the storytelling experience (depending on your ending). Just make sure not to make the same mistake I did and attempt to play the game on Hard difficulty during your first playthrough. It's not worth it... and you'll ruin the experience. I ended up restarting after a few hours in once I realized how screwed I was without the extra hearts.

I think I'll definitely be replaying Cave Story in the future when I feel like sampling the simple, yet satisfying experience this game has to offer again. The game is definitely worth looking into if you've never played it before.

I had originally played the Witcher 3 on PS4 when it was free with PS+. Had you asked me my opinion on the game back then, I would've told you I had no clue what all the hype was about. The movement was clunky, I had no backstory or knowledge of the events that took place in prior games, and it was not at all what I was expecting (i.e. comparing it to the likes of most Bethesda games at the time). I had abandoned the game after only a few hours of playing it.

Fast forward nearly 8 years later, and the game is still hailed as one of the greatest RPG's of all time. So I figured, why not give it another go? I purchased the game for $10.00 on Steam and began playing the freshly polished "next gen" version of the game, and I can honestly say that I am so glad I gave this game a second chance. Having recently completed the base game and both DLC's with over 200+ hours of game time, it is clear to me now why the game is so highly regarded.

The longer you play the Witcher 3, the more you realize how much time and effort was put into making this game, and it just keeps getting better the more invested you become. I was even lucky enough to experience what years of updates, patches, graphical changes, and content has added to this game during my first playthrough (sort of). The Witcher 3 has a level of detail unlike no other, and it is worth experiencing to the fullest. The base game is nothing short of fantastic, but the DLC's are truly special. I would almost say it is worth playing through the main story, even if you're not vibing with it completely, just to experience the Blood and Wine DLC first-hand.

Sure, The Witcher 3 still has it's faults, and I don't regard it as the best game I have ever played. However, if RPG's are your jam, then it will likely be one of the best RPG's you have ever played. You just have to be willing to give it a chance.

Shadow of the Colossus is such a unique and beautiful game. The vast open landscapes and scenic views that you encounter while traveling from one colossi to the next make you truly appreciate the work the developers put into this remastered classic. I've never played the original, but I can imagine it was definitely something special at the time.

I will admit that coming into this game with so much exposure to AAA titles felt pretty refreshing. There was nothing to explore, no progression to worry about, no gear to loot, and no hidden secrets to miss. The anxiety of playing a game in it's entirety was simply not there. It felt like a linear storytelling game, but with a massive and immersive world surrounding you at all times. The game itself was a nice change of pace.

One reason I can't give this game a higher rating though is simply because I don't have the same nostalgic fondness for it that is shared by so many others. I found the camera movement confusing, unnecessary, and annoying as hell. The colossi battles, though unique at first, became repetitive and frustrating. Through the lens of the PS2, this game is a masterpiece. However, by todays standards, it becomes much harder to appreciate the actual gameplay.

Thankfully, this game was a short experience, and overall pretty enjoyable. Definitely worth playing through to the end (and it truly is a wonderful ending...that almost makes me question my own rating), but perhaps a little overhyped depending on your history with the game. There is certainly no other game like it.