The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

released on Nov 19, 2006

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

released on Nov 19, 2006

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was initially developed with the Nintendo GameCube in mind, but ended up receiving a Wii port when it was released to promote the new console. This version has motion control compatibility for the sword and pointer controls for the menus, the bow and the boomerang. This version of the game has a completely inverted map and locations when comparing with the GameCube release. The change in layout was meant to adapt Link's usually left-handed design to right-handed people, given the motion controls.

Also in series

Link's Crossbow Training
Link's Crossbow Training
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
The Legend of Zelda: Navi Trackers
The Legend of Zelda: Navi Trackers

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é um bom jogo de fato, mas seila essa temática não me conquistou, e a gameplay de cachorro é chata pra krl

The funny thing about the 8.8 debacle is that in the games media 8.8 actually is a bad score. Every single other overmarketed piece of shit was getting an automatic 9.5 or higher so why not this? They legitimately did single it out. This was the same year that fucking Gears of War won the AIAS GOTY award people.

The contrarianism about Zelda gets insane sometimes. Is this a shameless reprise of Ocarina of Time? Yes. Is it also fucking awesome? Duh. It's not like OOT was one of the absolute best games ever made or anything. The complaints about padding or a slow tutorial section are so frivolous that they prove the point: People want to hate on this. Oh nooooo some of the items are one off used for dungeon set pieces it's unsatisfying. The point of the Spinner is that it has an entire fucking awesome pinball-themed dungeon based around it. Who gives a fuck if you rarely use it afterwards.

Twilight Princess's legacy has been plagued by the same reddit neckbeards constantly tipping their fedoras at each other about how "It actually wasn't that great after all so 8.8 was pretty generous." For all of the ice cold takes that Zelda is a derivative series that recycles the same ideas and is the same game every time, it is baffling to consider the truth that basically every major entry in this series is groundbreaking in its creativity and its new and fresh ideas. Twilight Princess is no different. So look, I'm sorry your parents got you the wrong console as a kid and you missed out on growing up with Ocarina of Time and you have to spend your entire life in denial pretending that Final Fantasy 7 is good and you have to be a contrarian about Zelda, but that's not our fault. Shut up.

this is like sonic unleashed if you think about it

Un des meilleurs zelda je veux rien entendre ! Une ambiance unique, MIDONA JE TAIIIME, ZELDA AUSSI TOUT LES PERSOS SONT TROP BEAU ET VOILA QUOI JOUER

its peak........................ midna my goat