+ Cool Concept, FTL with custom ships and shooter combat.
- Kind of felt like there was going to be a cool ramping up but it just starts really flat.
Yeah, thats pretty much it. Average. Feels like it needs more.

I've played DF since 2011. It's great to see the game this polished and loved.
+Interface about as obtuse as the main game, but polished up so I can at least see a workbench icon instead of b>o in a wall of text.
+Some QOL stuff like merging of items and roles that really has marginal difference.
+The tileset is great by default, with some TWBT transparency.
+Love that there is still modding support, and the game/developer is encouraging it.
I really have no bad things to say that I wouldn't say about Old DF. Great game.

Actual addiction.
+ A problem is presented. A solution is made - by you. The solution is deployed. You unlock the next problem. You realize your previous solution needs polishing. Repeat.
+ Excellent sound. Atmospheric noises to study/sleep to.
+ Huge QOL improvements since launch, and it just keeps getting better.
+ The huge amount of community content ensures that even when you finish the game and assorted challenge runs, you will Never be done.

- Same architecture as PMD: Explorers with a better story but woefully less engaging gameplay systems
+ Pretty handy for a handheld roguelike

+ Incredible amount of gameplay and post-launch support, including the previous two games of material in one.
+ A great stealth game that relies more on creativity and bond-style espionage
+ Looks gorgeous without draining your FPS
+ Even after spoiling myself on the entire story, I bought and played this to experience it myself. Cinematic in scale and production.
I legit just don't have any negatives to give. Well done IO Interactive.

+ Good game
- Microsoft sits on their laurels
+ Community has made the game what it is and continues to be.

++ Absolute awesome amount of content and 10+ years of post-launch support and updates
+ Excellent mix of Combat and Exploration
+ Never gets old, and timeless to boot

- Graphical fidelity is what it is. I don't think the Switch can handle much better... But good on them for what they managed.
+ A more mature story that I fully embrace.
+ Gameplay is excellent. I don't think this is the ultimate pokemon, but I think its better than any generation since V most likely. Enough new pokemon and old to be interesting
+ An throwback setting in multiple ways with easter eggs for longtime fans. Feels lived in and has a sense of scale.

+ Fun with friends
+ Scares my cock off

- Not very interesting story
+ High fidelity has helped the world play better and navigate better
+ I enjoyed the new puzzles and the density of them to space out scares.
- Some bugs and glitchy areas that became frustrating or confusing
+ Praise to the new characters added and their designs. Evocative of early 2010's creepypastas.

It's kind of what I want?
- It's pretty low depth 30 minutes in.
+ I applaud the use of loans to get your business started; something that sometimes business sim games just ignore.
- I wish the cleaning and diagnostic was slower and took more skill.
+ Robo-companion was funny, non-annoying, and made the workshop not feel like an empty void. I like that he walked around.