My God, what a game. I can see the elements of what they're trying for in this, and even find some parts very charming and fun in their own way (such as being able to mix skill classes/jobs and the moving puzzle element to enemies) but the game overall is such a confusing mess. Perhaps part of that falls on me because I've never played the other games and only played this because my coworkers were passing it around (we never really do grow up, do we?), so I have no idea the lore of this game and how any of this connects.

The story that I did gather was fairly simple, and the game play was very easy once finally getting the hang of it. But every new section you explore was so quick and short, it felt like it only took 15 minutes out of Eldin's day. The portraits in this game have to be the ugliest I've ever seen, too, with the colors completely bleeding over the lines like a 3 year old's first coloring book. The most infuriating thing for me though was the lack of visibility in important parts of continuing the story, I mean, just take a look at this photo. Can you even tell I'm supposed to climb that wall in order to get to the next part?! I walked around in circles for 15 minutes before giving up and looking at a guide to realize those TINY white dots are supposed to be a LADDER... You're supposed to recognize these tiny white dots as a mandatory ladder you must take... while white tiny white dots are flying all over the screen from the snow in this level... brilliant.

I got to Meadow Road, which seems to be about half-way, before throwing in the towel. I appreciate my growing ability to feel less guilt in abandoning a game I am not enjoying at least, hehe, and I hope the cartridge has fun sitting at the bottom of my coworkers bookbag for the foreseeable future.


Reviewed on Oct 15, 2023


7 months ago

Life’s too short, and there are way too many good games!

7 months ago

@cowboyjosh True that! From what I've read, this is usually agreed upon as the weakest game in the series, so at least it's only uphill from here if I ever want to come back to it ( ´ ▽ ` )

6 months ago

The original Lufia II on SNES is genuinely great, amidst a ton of reused town assets is a beautiful story of love with fun Zelda-esque dungeons and decent turn based combat. Absolutely worth a play, not so much the remake as its impressive work is let down by a lot of bizarre cutbacks and aggressively poor framerate for an action game on the DS.

6 months ago

Great to know thank you! @sunlitsonata