Really emotional game that has some of the best writing I've had the pleasure of experiencing... maybe I should play more visual novels, but now I'm worried I'm always going to just compare them all to Mémoire 0079's quality! The way the game is formatted too for being a visual novel worked so well with me, as it's a little similar to a Wikipedia article in that you click highlighted words to learn more about that person/event/thing specifically.

I don't want to go into too much detail about the story as it is really special to get to see for yourself, but I will say that everyone involved is clearly so talented and hardworking, it's great to see so many passionate, intelligent people come together and make something so great. Mémoire 0079 clearly has a lot of not just love, but really smart international political knowledge into why we react as people in the ways that we do, as well as how different political cultures will present a scenario to its people.

Really, really lovely game that I can't recommend enough.


Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
