Megami Ibunroku Persona is a tale of two beautiful stories that focus on different struggles of abandonment, depression, and desperation. All the playable characters have deeper meanings behind them than how they try to portray themselves. The loud confident kid acts the way he does as a response to trying to ignore the fear of becoming the bullied kid again, the ex-sukeban who fulfills the role of the mother-friend as she strives to be like the mother figure who helped her when she needed it, the rich kid that's quietly self-conscious that he has been so sheltered he doesn't know how to talk to people his own age, and of course, the sick girl who longs to be everything she's not. It's a story that makes you uncomfortably take a look at yourself and the crutches you allow yourself to lean on so you don't have to face certain realities. This game will always be very special to me.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2023


1 year ago

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