Good game that clearly has its fanbase for good reason. Very addicting and satisfying task and reward set up. The continuous story throughout makes the game easy to continue through, with no cutscenes, just trying to find the next spot to get to the next chapter. That layout is fine, but I wasn't the biggest fan of just moving in a straight line, shooting what I could and diddling with switches and valves to open up the next straight line, it got a little boring, but found it pretty nice to play an hour of it before work each day to keep it from getting too repetitive. The game tries to incorporate platforming when your character walks like he's on an ice rink, and slides down ladders like they're covered in grease, making all those parts incredibly annoying. If it wasn't a 90's FPS that allows you to quick save whenever, I would probably have more complaints about it, but because of that it makes it not that big of a deal to work with. Loved all the bosses, thought they were super fun and cool in design, which was great in contrast to the more regular enemies, as they didn't have too much variety. Finding scientists and security guards to work with and heal you was also a fun way to feel truly part of the game's environment.

Overall, Half-Life is clearly very good at what it was meant to do. It gets a little tedious and repetitive, but it still has an interesting and involved story that I really admire. I'm not the biggest fan of FPS, but had a good time playing this one! I can't give it too much flack, as I played the game enough that I started feeling immense relief just looking at the first-aid kits hanging on the walls at my work. Definitely a must play for those into sci-fi and shooters.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023


1 year ago

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1 year ago

Half life 1 is a game I feel becomes much more fun on subsequent playthroughs as knowing what's coming and setting traps or using the exact needed weapon is quite satisfying.
Nice to see you liked the game. A lot of FPSes copied this formula but most never executed it as well, I would say TimeShift came the closest in matching HL1's pacing.

1 year ago

Makes sense! I'll probably revisit it sometime in the future then ^^