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"Fate/unlimited codes" proves to be a disappointing venture into the Fate series, marked by a confusing narrative, lackluster gameplay, and the regrettable demise of a central character.

Right from the start, the game takes a misguided approach to storytelling, employing inappropriate language and juvenile expressions that add nothing of value to the overall experience. To make matters worse, the pivotal moment of Shirou Emiya's death is handled poorly, lacking the emotional impact it deserves. The narrative fails to engage players, leaving them disconnected from the supposed gravity of the events unfolding.

In addition to the narrative missteps, the gameplay mechanics fail to impress. Combat feels clunky and unresponsive, with a lack of depth that leaves players yearning for a more engaging experience. The unfortunate demise of Shirou Emiya, a crucial character in the Fate universe, is a missed opportunity for emotional resonance, as the execution falls flat and fails to evoke the intended emotions.

In conclusion, "Fate/unlimited codes" struggles to deliver a compelling gaming experience. The narrative choices and gameplay mechanics hinder the overall enjoyment, resulting in a game that fails to live up to the potential of its source material. With a mere 2 out of 10, this title stands as a regrettable addition to the Fate series.