Metroid Other M plunges players into an intriguing universe of exploration, mystery, and action, but it's marred by some significant flaws that hinder its potential greatness.

Right from the start, the game demands your attention with an unskippable cutscene that thrusts players into a world of god awful storytelling. This design choice seems to be an attempt to immerse players immediately, but it often feels like an unnecessary intrusion into the gameplay experience. Slogging through an unskippable tutorial only compounds this issue, leaving players wishing for a quicker path to the real action.

While Metroid Other M attempts to be an engaging Metroid experience, it inadvertently highlights the far superior other "M"s in the series that players could be enjoying instead. The gameplay itself carries elements of classic Metroid exploration, combining it with more linear progression. This could have been an interesting approach to the series, but it falls short in comparison to the open-ended nature of its predecessors.

On the flip side, players who have experienced the ordeal urges others to ">>>>>DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME<<<<<." This extreme caution might sound like an exaggeration, but it speaks volumes about the game's perceived quality. The frustration of being tricked into enduring a 10-minute long cutscene without escape sets a discouraging tone.

And then there are reviews that present a rather puzzling perspective: "An absolutely brilliant game with symbolism so subtle that even I can't tell what it's about." This perspective encapsulates the mixed feelings players might experience while playing Metroid Other M. There's an attempt at depth, but it often feels lost in translation, leaving players puzzled by its intentions.

In the end, Metroid Other M is a game that struggles to strike the right balance between engaging gameplay and storytelling. While it's not without its merits, such as offering players a taste of the Metroid universe and action, it ultimately falls short due to its unskippable cutscenes, questionable narrative choices, and comparisons to its more accomplished predecessors. If you're seeking an unforgettable Metroid experience, it might be wiser to turn to the other "M"s in the series.

Score: 4/10

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
