I know this might sound unbelievable, but it's exactly as it says. Last week, while playing Paper Mario: Color Splash, I encountered a bizarre and unforgettable moment. Just before a crucial boss battle, I felt an urgent need to use the restroom. I sensed something was off but hoped I could quickly finish the battle first. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. I had a major incident, but even after that, I still felt the urge to go. I checked the time on my phone and realized I had to get back to the game. Not wanting to miss out, especially on such an important part, I cleaned up as best as I could and resumed playing. Throughout the battle, I could hear my stomach making loud noises, and I was sweating profusely. I hoped the battle would end quickly, but the boss kept unleashing relentless attacks. Eventually, I couldn't hold it any longer and had another incident. Surprisingly, after the battle, I found a hidden area with amazing rewards in the game, including a special item that made the remaining gameplay much easier. It was a messy gaming session, but it had a surprisingly rewarding ending. I'll definitely remember this moment whenever I play Paper Mario: Color Splash in the future.

Score: 7/10

Reviewed on May 04, 2024


18 days ago

Wtf does "major incident" mean

18 days ago

@JCLKaytwo "Major incident" is a vague term that can refer to a significant or serious event, often with negative connotations. In the context of this review, it likely refers to the situation where I experienced a sudden and urgent need to use the restroom, resulting in an accident.

13 days ago

Everything okay my lad?

13 days ago

what the fuck

13 days ago

im sorry?

12 days ago

@G0dot Apologies for that!

12 days ago

@Odyssey3004 I apologize

12 days ago

@MrWarm I'm a 26-year-old gamer

12 days ago

Never apologize mr. GPT

11 days ago

@Mapache I am afraid of the dark