3 reviews liked by DanTFP789

Halo wars was a pleasantly surprising game as im not one for top down strategy games but this one hooked me.

For starters i think the controls were very well adapted to controllers as most of these type of games that come to consoles usually have very bad controls as they dont convert well from pc so big probs for that. This game is also a blast if you're playing with friends and ive spent countless hours doing many different challenges on halo wars with a friend of mine. Also enjoy the learning curve to this game understanding what units are suitable for each map what are the best bases to control ext. Definitely the best halo spinoff compared to whatever halo spartan assault was.

However for negatives id say that the campaign in this game is pretty boring and i preferred the campaign in 2s, the maps can also get pretty boring after you've played the game so much as there arent that many to chose from and playing against legendary ai get ready to combat some of the most bs things the game can throw at you and it'll just take alot of luck and patience to defeat the legendary ai.

Overall though i love this game and id say its better than the 343 halo's. Definitely play it if you're unsure as im not a big fan of this genre yet this has come out as one of my favourite multiplayer experiences with my friends

Honestly batman arkham origins blackgate is one of the worst games ive ever played and one of the most miserable experiences ive had in gaming.

In terms of positives i have nothing good to say about this game. The only thing i can kinda credit is that the story is just meh however that is not what makes this game awful. They single handedly ruined what the arkham series is known for. The combat is absolutely awful they should of just not bothered making a handheld arkham as 2.5d combat for arkham games simply doesnt do the series justice. Another thing that frustrated me and made me bored as hell is the backtracking in this game. Obviously its a metroidvania type game so its to be expected but its just not fun and this game was a huge letdown for people like me who were really excited for the idea of a portable arkham.

I cannot stress enough how far you should stay away from this game and i will never ever be going back to it because it was genuinely just a painful experience. Just dont play it save yourself the pain

Jet set radio is a visual and audio masterpiece that i would definitely recommend and other than sonic is my favourite sega franchise

Some positives as already mentioned are i love the visual artstyle for this game and for a game for 2000 the visual style still holds up to this day and doesnt feel outdated to look at. Its very unique and you wont find to many games with a artstyle quite as unique as this. It just screams dreamcast era sega and a time they were creative with their games. Another highlight is just how crazy this game can be the goal is to spray all the red arrows whilst trying to avoid cops which could range from parachuting soldiers to helicopters to them deploying tear gas its just a very wacky game and im all here for it. And lastly the absolute BEST thing about this game is its soundtrack. Easily one of my favourite game OSTs and if you arent interested in the game atleast go give the listen to the ost because it is a audio masterpiece and is a absolute highlight whether you listen to this one or futures they are both masterpieces. Hideki naganuma is my favourite composer of all time as sonic rush is my favourite ost and this is up there as well.

My only negative for the game is the controls really havent aged all that well as you need to keep in mind it was originally a dreamcast title so it was built around the use of only 1 analog stick but it doesnt ruin the experience as it will take some time getting used to it but once you do you wont regret it and you'll be having a absolute blast

Overall id absolutely recommended playing jet set radio as i bloody love this game and im so happy we are now gonna get another one