27 Reviews liked by DanW420

Not that bad, first act was awful but the games gets better as it goes on. Gameplay was fun and story was meh, not as great as the og games but it’s still fun

I have a hard time rating demon's souls, a flawed but beautiful game that deserves more love. (This review is ramble btw). One if its most impressive aspects (or saddest revelations) to me is how even 14 years later it still manages to be fresh. The world in Demon's souls while lacking the graphics of Elden Ring or Dark Souls 3 is more alive, thoughtful, memorable and real than it ever where. Each level is a master in mood and tone creating a genuinely bleak, depressing and disgusting atmosphere. Even with this horrid atmosphere the level are still incredibly fun and engaging, having a perfect pace of new items, locations, enemies, or characters anytime the player starts getting tired of the status quo. The world feeling so real is also multiplied by the consequence of the gameplay. Demon Souls of any souls game makes an effort to make death feel impactful. Killing Characters or diying while human will decrease 'soul tendancy'. This will lock you off from getting cool weapons and make enemies harder. A very interesting mechanic when combined with the fact NPCs can often drop fantastic loot and being human doubles the health bar. And while execution of this not the best its certain a shame i think that this dropped instead of developed in the spiritual sequels.

So why is Demon Souls not seen with classic status and more as a 'stepping stone'. Well, it comes down to three flaws. (Oddly these flaws are not addressed in the remake apparently)
1. The bosses. While each one is very unique I do wish alot of them weren't so easy to cheese. Most bosses are more puzzles than tests of power. and while i dont really like the flailing arms fest we have now at least those ones have more going on once you find out their moves. In demon souls once the weakness is found its practically over. It makes alot these fights feel rather anti-climatic even with unique feel each one has.
2. is healing. Its broken. Not really much to say rather than while glad i never had to farm, always being able to heal whenever does rather cheapen each hit.
3. It big brother overshadows it. Almost everyone played Dark Souls first and while Demons is certainly more consistent in quality, Dark souls just has alot alot alot more going on in every way. So not as easy to be impressed by the game just by the fact they are about 4ish sequels that either do everything better or bigger.

Overall an 8/9 out of ten for me. If you hava half-decent modern PC install rpcs3 and boot it up. Great for beginners of the genre and for long-time veterans.

CAMPAIGN REVIEW: Call of Duty 4 was a landmark title in gaming utterly changing how first-person shoots are made and are seen. Playing it now 16 years later after release, unlike most COD titles it does feel like a game made by a passionate dev team who wanted to create something unique like what Call of duty would end with a rap song about the developer and story.

However, this game is definitely dated and not really charming way either. Hard mode is way too difficult and unfair even in normal mode many deaths didn't really feel deserved. I would defend this in way saying it simulates how dangerous conflict can be but the game is way to silly to take that argument seriously. Characters and titular warfare are flat and kinda problematic. The good guys are the good guys, and the bad guys are bad, that it. No look at how it effect civilians or the difficult choices that have to make, just shoot more baddys instead. It does feel like what 12 year old feels would say war is like.
The game does not have the variety it needs despite being 6 hours which is probably why 'All Ghillied Up' and 'Death From Above' stand out as highlights.

Perfectly okay, six out of ten, game, just one that needs some proper atmosphere/character/world-building to push it over to a propper good campaign.

Simply my favorite game of all time. It's timeless and perfect in every cheesy, gore-fueled way. Resident Evil 4 is a gaming staple at this point, I think everyone needs to play it at least once, even if the controls didn't age well for some.

I'm autistic so I can't read faces, hence the guide.

I played it on my phone when I was little and when I saw it on Steam I said that I must play it and finish it, so that's what I did. I speedran to each checkpoint because I didn't want to waste a lot of time on this game...

didnt have the milkman this game fucking sucked

Story was pretty good on paper but the dump at the end was awful, gameplay got boring at the halfway point.


Great graphics, pretty good story. Too many notes and crew members to keep up with. Monster encounters didn't require much thinking and what happens when you're caught is just bad design. Gave too much information away about the other world IMO - this is not a Lovecraft-esque game as there is no mystery left. I wish the ending gave the player a meaningful dilemma. All in all, pretty good but not great.

What a beautiful yet haunting game. I played this in one sitting as I was so captivated by it. The boss fights were good fun and I absolutely loved the use of Nordic folklore, no matter how creepy it was.

Deus Ex: Breach™ is a cash-in/ripoff of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Imagine all the work that was wasted on "The Fall" dialed up, anti-aliased, and made into some abstract meme-puzzle where you have to pay for ammo. Yeah, it's something like that.

The puzzles are boring, the hacking utterly pointless, and the enemy AI borderline non-existent. Previous Deus Ex games affirm the difficulty I've asked for. That is, "I want Deus Ex". This isn't it.

Instead, you get a 10 gig Always-Online F2P mess that shouldn't even be allowed on the Steam Store.

If you don't agree with my sentiment or think it lacks evidence, check out the video "Deus Ex Breach is a Waste of Time", or try "playing" the game yourself. Rest assured, five minutes of Deus Ex: Breach™ will set you straighter than Mike Pence hooking you up to a machine intended for electroconvulsive therapy.

Phenomenal Deus Ex game with unmatched level design, fell victim to outrage journalism and is now known as "unfinished" despite being a complete experience.

This is essentially just more of exactly what Human Revolution offered, which isn't a bad thing. It doesn't bring much additional depth to the story, and the missions are pretty backtrack heavy, but it's still that solid gameplay that I loved experiencing in the main game. Having it integrated into the main game with Director's Cut would probably elevate this, due to its exposition on events that happen towards the end of Human Revolution, so I'd be interested in replaying the game to see how well it flows and what other changes they've made. Overall though, this DLC is still really worth playing even as a standalone.

scared the shit out of me when it took away all my augs at the beginning (you get some at the beginning-ish and then you get more back at the very end but you still have to reconfigure) and it made me pretty angry so i was hesitant to give a proper playthrough of this one because i already spent a majority of the game buying and upgrading augs for myself

i did beat it though and it is boring af compared to the main game

Feels an odd choice to make a DLC out of this part of the story, but it works well enough. Probably a bit too limited in regard to the gameplay. I was kinda happy it was over when it was over.