3 reviews liked by Dankmemes86

The peak of classic Mega Man, in my opinion. Weapons and level design are more varied and balanced, the ost improves too and it even has surprising ending. The main flaw is, of course, the Doc Robot thing with its recycled stages and bosses; I like the idea of the changed levels, but I think it tries too hard to make the game last longer.
Still, this was my first megaman game, I completed it more than 10 times, so I can't deny that I love it

"Honey, wake up!", your wife tells you, "your boss will scold you again if you're late!". You're reminded of the existence of the overbearing and rude shop owner that employs you. How many hours at the counter will you have to spend this time before he is satisfied? Your back hurts, the bed you sleep in is worn out and not very comfortable, and yet you can hardly sleep in and fully recover - you have a wife and child to feed. You get up, get dressed, wash yourself and are now ready for another day at work. "Here's your lunch, honey", your wife tells you as she kisses you on the cheek, "have a good day!"

Taking the lunch, you're on your way to the weapon's shop. An old man stops you, "Torneko my dear", he says, "can you push me to the church? My bones are cranky, and I'll even pay you a couple gold for that." Needing every penny due to the meager pay you receive, you decide to help the old neighbour out. You feel ridiculous pushing an old man to the church, humiliated even, but eventually manage to complete the task. "Thank you dear, this is for you." You receive 9 gold pieces. The idea that you have to do such tasks for a mere 9 gold pieces makes you feel ashamed, thus not feeling like working, you take a little detour to the bar. An old drinking buddy is happy to see you. "Torneko old friend! How are you?", he shouts in a carefree manner that simply irritates you. How can he relax like that while you have to slave away in the weapon's shop? "Have you heard, friend, they say there are many treasures in the cave up north. Nobody goes there because they say it's full of monsters, but I wonder if the rumor is true. That'd be something if we could get our hands on it, eh? You wouldn't have to work for the old shopkeeper anymore, eh?"

Him and his ridiculous fantasies, you think. And suddenly, as if reminding yourself you're not quit as low as to start drinking and spreading rumors in the morning, you remember that you're already thirty minutes late to work. Finally, you decided to leave your daydreaming and already drunk friend alone and make your way to the shop. "You're late. Again. Where were you?" - he doesn't even greet you properly - "Stand in front of the counter and take care of the customers. You get paid on commission, so do your job properly." and as he says that, he disappears into the back of the shop. This is it. Another day of pain.

For hours customer after customer is entering, asking for one of the three items on sale at the shop or looking to sell one of theirs, and you diligently make sure they pay the appropriate price. Despite everything, you do want to do your job properly. After around 8-9 hours, you've finally had enough and ask for your pay from the shopkeeper. "Hmm, your work was worth 109 gold pieces today. See you tomorrow." The day of torture has ended, and it's time to return to the light in your life, your family. You enter your home.
"Welcome back honey, how was work?", she gives you a soft greeting kiss, "I'm glad you are working so hard for us honey, but does working for someone else really suit you? When I married you, you wanted to become the greatest merchant in the world. I know you can do it. That's why I married you! W-Well, it's not the entire reason of course. Fufufu."

Her words are encouraging, but also worrisome. Deep down you understand what she is really saying, She's saying she doesn't want a husband who's stuck in a dead-end job as a cashier at a weapon's shop. You're loved, but for how long will that last while you're humiliating yourself pushing around old men for a few more gold pieces? You go to bed, night falls, but your wife's words linger in your mind. This can't go on for much longer. "I have to do something. I'm done with this monotony, I'm sick of selling weapons for a couple gold coins. I want to provide for my family. I want to show them what I can do. Tomorrow I will do something. I will change something.", you think to yourself half-awake, imagining yourself bringing riches home to your soon-to-be-proud wife. Didn't your friend say something about treasure in a cave in the north? You've never fought with monsters before. You're a bit chubby, not the most athletic person, in fact, you've never won a fight before. But sometimes a man has to take risks. Sometimes a man has to be bold. Sometimes a man needs to want more.

Dawn approaches. This is the day. This is the day that will not be the same as any other. You go to the weapons shop. Not as an employee, but as a customer. You arrive. "A copper sword, please.", you tell your boss. "Torneko, you don't need a copper sword in front of the counter, no one is going to attack you", "well, I don't need the counter today. I'm quitting. But before I go, I need that copper sword.", "You're making a mistake, Torneko. But as you wish."

Leaving your life of monotony behind, you take the first bold step outside the safe confines of the city as suddenly a she-slime draws near. You're grasping the copper sword, of which you have sold hundreds, but have never used one for yourself - until now. You're fighting your fear, your uncertainty, your hesitation. This is it, there is no going back now, with determination you take your first blow.

Welcome to the world of Dragon Quest

The Zelda for cool kids.

Yo, for real I'll never forget this cartridge came packed with a PAPER LETTER in the box that had a SECRET MESSAGE written on the back in INVISIBLE INK. Discovering that might've been the single raddest thing that had ever happened to me up to that point in my young life. Some straight-up Kojima shit, a decade before MGS.