Imo the peak of classic megaman. This is the standard that i compare all megaman games to (sometimes other 2d platformers too).

Best Jrpg on the NES. Great story, fun characters, challenging dungeons/bosses. Whats not to love? The scarcity of cartridges in America. This was a really rare game, high pricetag on it nowadays.

Basic, simple, classic, grindy, a bit worse than other jrpgs of the time. Still, gotta respect the first of a solid series.

If i had played this game before double dragon or battletoads, i probably never would have beaten those games.

River city ransom was the best side scrolling beat em up game back then and honestly it may be the best game ever in the genre. Scott pilgrim pays homage to it. This game was actually brilliant, and still holds up to this day.

Solid, original story. Youre a regular modern day kid running through dungeons, killing monsters with a yoyo? Before earthbound?

I remember getting stuck a lot in various dungeons between challenging rooms/bosses and even just navigating. I feel like the navigational challenges were due to intentionally low conveyance. Games back then were designed to be challenging and confusing, and when you beat them it fealt rewarding. It was a different age.

I feel like Startropics was well thought out and presented a solid challenge for an aspiring your gamer.

Basic, original, classic. Great back then, boring now.

Probably the worst zelda game. Still, back in the early 90s i had hours of fun with it.

It was difficult and there was some level grinding involved. There were some original iconic bosses for the series introduced (the shadow link fight was rough).