Stray Gods is a game that I was greatly interested for its desire to incorperate the musical genre into its game, but to be honest, the first word that may come to my mind is "mid".

You can see the love everyone involved in this project have put into this, and that is something that I admire, but its quality is very... yeah, mid.
First things first, the music was not great. There were many times when it sounded dissonant to me, and if it wasn't, the phrasing/pace were not great. There isn't a song that was memorable neither, which is quite alarming if this is one of your selling points.
Though, it does feel like your choices have an impact on the music, although I wouldn't be able to properly tell since I didn't spoil myself.

The story was okay. I enjoyed meeting every character, but the conclusion of my romance option was VERY underwhelming. It felt like the romance songs were forced into the scenario so you can feel like it had an impact.
And please, let's not talk about the trial. I got blue balled from it.

I also want to mention the renders that were not that great. Being able to count the background's pixels was quite disappointing considering the game has not the graphics of an AAA game...

I don't know. I'm just slightly disappointed. I held my hopes too high, but I still appreciate the efforts from the creators.
Dive into this without any expectations and with a bit of tolerance. This is clearly a passion project.

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
